[Global Technology Roundup] According to "Hindustan Times" reported on March 24, not yet published a Nielsen report, powerful smartphone features, the price is reasonable, intelligent machines in India in 2015 annual sales will reach 800 million units. Experts believe that this volume is also expected to continue to rise, even India will overtake China as the fastest growing smartphone market.
Telecom analyst NK Goyal carrying Indian Economy Monitoring Center think tank analysts pointed out that although the data in the price rise, but higher rates will reduce the cost and volume of users, so the smartphone market is still considerable potential. The report shows that in the global market, the Indian market the highest rates of intelligent machines, Indian users on average two hours a day for 45 minutes using a smart machine.
It is reported that worldwide, mobile Internet users usually Wi-Fi high consumer groups. However, India is not necessarily the case. Although the Indian telecom heavyweight consumers still use Wi-Fi, but its usage patterns indicate that they prefer a more mobile Internet.
Nielsen report also noted that among the user's phone and data usage patterns have a significant relationship. Navigation and advanced operating system easy to operate, allowing users to more frequently download applications and use the media, which resulted in more data consumption. According to statistics, the greater the consumption of users use the Android operating system, and user consumption Symbian operating system is relatively small.